Results for 'Marco Mira D'Ercole'

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    Moving beyond GDP.Paul Anand, Marco Mira D'Ercole & Hamish Low - unknown
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    P.oxy. 2438 and the order of books in Aristophanes byzantius’ edition of pindar.Marco Ercoles - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (2):822-826.
    Two well-known ancient witnesses report that Aristophanes of Byzantium was responsible for the arrangement of Pindar's poems into seventeen book-rolls according to lyric genres. These witnesses form fr. 381 in the edition of Aristophanes’ fragments by W.J. Slater : Vit. Pind. P.Oxy. 2438.35–9 δ]ιῄρητα̣ι̣ δὲ α̣ὐ̣τ̣[ο]ῦ̣ τ̣[ὰ ποιήματα ὑπ’ Ἀριστοφάν]ους εἰς βιβλία ιζˊ· διθ̣[υ]ρά̣[μ]βων βˊ [προσοδίω]ν̣ βˊ παιάνων αˊ πα[ρ]θεν[εί]ων γ̣ˊ [ἐπινικίω]ν̣ δˊ ἐγκωμίων αˊ ἐν [ᾧ] κα̣ὶ [σκ]όλ̣[ια ±4 ὕμ]ν̣ων αˊ ὑ[π]ορχημάτων αˊ θρ̣[ήνων.| nisi aliter ind., omnia suppl. Lobel (...)
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    Giovanni Duns Scoto ed Edith Stein.Federica D’Ercole - 2016 - Quaestio 16:282-286.
  4.  20
    Destino, provvidenza e responsabilità morale nel pensiero antico e medievale e nella prima età moderna.A. Federica D’Ercole - 2013 - Quaestio 13:377-383.
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    Corporate Psychopathy: Can ‘Search and Destroy’ and ‘Hearts and Minds’ Military Metaphors Inspire HRM Solutions?Alasdair J. Marshall, Melanie J. Ashleigh, Denise Baden, Udechukwu Ojiako & Marco G. D. Guidi - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):495-504.
    Corporate psychopathy thrives perhaps as the most significant threat to ethical corporate behaviour around the world. We argue that Human Resources Management professionals should formulate strategic solutions metaphorically by balancing what strategic military planners famously call ‘Search and Destroy’ and ‘Hearts and Minds’ counter-terrorist strategy. We argue that these military metaphors offer creative inspiration to help academics and practitioners theorise CP in richer, more reflective and more balanced and complementary ways. An appreciation of both metaphors is likely to favour the (...)
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    Invocazione al “signore dell’anima che sempre vive”: Melanipp. PMG 762.Marco Ercoles - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (2):197-207.
    In Melanipp. PMG 762 the reading βροτῶν (v. 1) of the MSS can be retained. The god invoked as “lord of the everlasting soul” (v. 2), generally identified with Dionysus-Zagreus, can be rather recognized as the Orphic Zeus.
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    How Infant and Toddlers’ Media Use Is Related to Sleeping Habits in Everyday Life in Italy.Francesca Bellagamba, Fabio Presaghi, Martina Di Marco, Emilia D’Abundo, Olivia Blanchfield & Rachel Barr - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundHeavy media use has been linked to sleep problems in children, which may also extend to the infancy period. While international parent-advisory agencies, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, advise no screen time before 18 months, parents often do not follow this recommendation. Research on Italian infants’ early access to media is sparse, and only very few studies have investigated links with sleeping habits.MethodTo address this gap, we examined concurrent associations between parent-reported surveys of child technology use and sleeping (...)
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  8. History of the 2.7 K temperature prior to Penzias and Wilson.Andre K. T. Assis & Marcos C. D. Neves - 1995 - Apeiron 2 (3):79-87.
  9. Logical Questions Concerning the $\mu$-Calculus: Interpolation, Lyndon and Los-Tarski.Giovanna D'agostino & Marco Hollenberg - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):310-332.
  10.  5
    Naomi A. Weiss, The Music of Tragedy. Performance and Imagination in Euripidean Theater, Oakland (University of California Press) 2018, XII, 284 S., ISBN 978-0-520-29590-2 (geb.), $ 95,–The Music of Tragedy. Performance and Imagination in Euripidean Theater. [REVIEW]Marco Ercoles - 2021 - Klio 103 (2):711-717.
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    Origins of the Modern Career.David Mitch, John Brown & Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen - 2004 - Ashgate.
    This book originates from an international research program that is reassessing when and why modern careers emerged. With fifteen essays this volume brings together some of the most important results of this new field of research. Based upon the innovative use of micro-level historical sources, the contributions by economic and social historians reveal the emergence of identifiable career paths in a wide range of occupational settings in Europe and the Americas over the period 1800 to the end of World War (...)
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    Is (self‐)reflection a form of intentionality? Sartre's dilemma.Marco D. Dozzi - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):85-99.
    Sartre maintains that “all consciousness is consciousness of something.” Idiosyncratically, he also understands this “intentionality principle” to entail that what consciousness is “of” is necessarily distinct from it (or “outside of” it, or “transcendent to” it). Nonetheless, he also maintains that all consciousness is necessarily conscious of—or rather, “(of)”—itself in a non‐intentional (in his terms: “non‐positional/non‐thetic”) manner. Given that this non‐positional/thetic self‐consciousness is not intentional, it is evidently immune to the “difference” principle, but this is less clear with respect to (...)
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  13.  22
    Il linguaggio nell'età dei Lumi. Teorie linguistiche nell'Europa del XVIII secolo.Marco Costantini & Pierluigi D'Agostino - 2023 - Lo Sguardo 37.
  14. Uniform Interpolation, Automata and the Modal mu-Calculus.Giovanna D'Agostino & Marco Hollenberg - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-84.
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    Can the Recording of Motor Potentials Evoked by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Be Optimized?Marco A. C. Garcia, Victor H. Souza & Claudia D. Vargas - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  16.  23
    Thermal induced changes of lead zirconium titanate films and their consequences for liquid crystal devices applications.Marco Castriota, Stefano D’Elia, Salvatore Marino, Enzo Cazzanelli, Nicola Scaramuzza, Carlo Versace & Roberto Bartolino - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (16):2223-2233.
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    Physical study of dynamics in fully hydrated phospholipid bilayers.G. D’Angelo, U. Wanderlingh, V. C. Nibali, C. Crupi, C. Corsaro & G. Di Marco - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (33-35):4033-4046.
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    Le "scienze umane" in Italia tra Otto e Novecento: pedagogia, psicologia, sociologia e filosofia.Marco Antonio D'Arcangeli & Alessandro Sanzo (eds.) - 2017 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
  19. Uniform Interpolation, Automata and the Modal mu-Calculus.Giovanna D'Agostino & Marco Hollenberg - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-84.
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    Lung Cancer Care Before and After Medicare Eligibility.Marco D. Huesch & Michael K. Ong - 2016 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 53:004695801664730.
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    Fichte Und Seine Zeit: Streitfragen.Matteo D'Alfonso, Carla De Pascale, Erich Fuchs & Marco Ivaldo (eds.) - 2017 - Boston: Brill | Rodopi.
    Mit dem Untertitel »Streitfragen« bringt dieser Band 44 der Fichte-Studien eine Gruppe von Beiträgen, die das Hauptthema »Fichte und seine Zeit« behandeln und es aus unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten entfalten.
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    Safety and efficacy of citrate anticoagulation in septic shock patients treated with Coupled Plasma Filtration Adsorption (CPFA).M. D. Marco Pozzato, M. D. Fiorenza Ferrari, M. D. Pasqualina Cecere, M. D. Paola Mesiano & M. D. Antonella Vallero - unknown - Ratio 1 (5).
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    Self-Consciousness and Self-Knowledge.Marco D. Dozzi - 2023 - Sartre Studies International 29 (1):22-89.
    This translation is of an article in the April–June 1948 issue of the Bulletin de la société française de philosophie (42, no. 3: 49–91). That article consists primarily of a lecture that Sartre had presented to La Société Française de Philosophie on 2 June 1947 in which he provided an overview of some of his main points in Being and Nothingness, with particular emphasis on its Introduction (especially its third section, ‘The Pre-Reflective Cogito and the Being of the Percipere’) as (...)
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    Fichte 1810-1814. Theoretical philosophy. Foreword.Matteo V. D'Alfonso & Marco Ivaldo - 2014 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 69 (4):579-583.
  25.  12
    Fichte Und Seine Zeit: Kontext, Konfrontationen, Rezeptionen.Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso, Carla De Pascale, Erich Fuchs & Marco Ivaldo (eds.) - 2016 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Die Absicht des vorliegenden Buches ist es, das Geflecht der unterschiedlichen Fragestellungen, die mit dem Stichwort „Fichte und seine Zeit“ verbunden sind, in Betracht zu ziehen und ihre internen Zusammenhänge und ihre Geschlossenheit deutlich zu machen. The intention of this book is to take the network of different issues that are associated with the main theme " Fichte and his time" into consideration and make their internal relationships and their closeness significantly.
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    Low-frequency Raman scattering of silver borate glasses.G. D’Angelo, C. Vasi, A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, C. Crupi, G. Di Marco & G. Tripodo - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1631-1638.
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    Social Sustainability in Late Adolescence: Trait Emotional Intelligence Mediates the Impact of the Dark Triad on Altruism and Equity.Marco Giancola, Massimiliano Palmiero & Simonetta D’Amico - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Adolescence involves a profound number of changes in all domains of development. Among others, adolescence yields an enhanced awareness and responsibility toward the community, representing a critical age to develop prosocial behaviors. In this study, the mediation role of Trait Emotional Intelligence was detected for the relationship between the dark triad and prosocial behavior based on altruism and equity. A total of 129 healthy late adolescents filled in the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen, measuring Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism; the Altruistic Action (...)
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    Shielded base contraction.Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé & Maurício D. L. Reis - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 259 (C):186-216.
  29.  73
    One and done? Equality of opportunity and repeated access to scarce, indivisible medical resources.Marco D. Huesch - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):1-13.
    Background: Existing ethical guidelines recommend that, all else equal, past receipt of a medical resource (e.g. a scarce organ) should not be considered in current allocation decisions (e.g. a repeat transplantation).DiscussionOne stated reason for this ethical consensus is that formal theories of ethics and justice do not persuasively accept or reject repeated access to the same medical resources. Another is that restricting attention to past receipt of a particular medical resource seems arbitrary: why couldn't one just as well, it is (...)
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    Levi and Harper identities for non-prioritized belief base change.Marco Garapa, Eduardo Fermé & Maurício D. L. Reis - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103907.
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  31. Karl Philipp Moritz, Il linguaggio sotto il profilo psicologico.Marco Costantini & Pierluigi D'Agostino - 2023 - Lo Sguardo 37:237-245.
    In this essay, Karl Philipp Moritz seeks to demonstrate how a psychological analysis of language can clarify the deeper meaning behind the use of certain linguistic expressions. Specifically, Moritz focuses on impersonal verbs (in German, constructed with the pronoun ‘es’) and argues that these verbs express states of mind – sensations and thoughts – that the subject passively undergoes and, thus, cannot trace back to their own spontaneous mental activity. Moritz’s essay is a pivotal contribution to 18th-century linguistic thought, as (...)
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  32. Johann Gottlieb fichte alla luce della recente storiografia.Matteo Vincenzo D'alfonso, Marco Ivaldo, Faustino Fabbianelli, Erich Fuchs, Gaetano Rametta & Alessandro Bertinetto - 2002 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 57 (3):381-511.
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    Mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) reduces depression-related self-referential processing in patients with bipolar disorder: an exploratory task-based study.Thalia D. M. Stalmeier, Jelle Lubbers, Mira B. Cladder-Micus, Imke Hanssen, Marloes J. Huijbers, Anne E. M. Speckens & Dirk E. M. Geurts - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (7):1255-1272.
    Negative self-referential processing has fruitfully been studied in unipolar depressed patients, but remarkably less in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). This exploratory study examines the relation between task-based self-referential processing and depressive symptoms in BD and their possible importance to the working mechanism of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for BD. The study population consisted of a subsample of patients with BD (n = 49) participating in an RCT of MBCT for BD, who were assigned to MBCT + TAU (n = (...)
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    Residual Contraction.Marco Garapa & Maurício D. L. Reis - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (2):255-274.
    In this paper, we propose and axiomatically characterize residual contractions, a new kind of contraction operators for belief bases. We establish that the class of partial meet contractions is a strict subclass of the class of residual contractions. We identify an extra condition that may be added to the definition of residual contractions, which is such that the class of residual contractions that satisfy it coincides with the class of partial meet contractions. We investigate the interrelations in the sense of (...)
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    Frogs’ Fairy Tales and Dante’s Errors: Cecco d’Ascoli on the Florentine Poet and the Issue of the Relationship between Poetry and Truth.Ercole Erculei - 2018 - In Andreas Speer & Maxime Mauriège (eds.), Irrtum – Error – Erreur (Miscellanea Mediaevalia Band 40). Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 669-680.
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    Generalized Partial Meet and Kernel Contractions.Marco Garapa & Maurício D. L. Reis - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):366-394.
    Two of the most well-known belief contraction operators are partial meet contractions (PMCs) and kernel contractions (KCs). In this paper we propose two new classes of contraction operators, namely the class of generalized partial meet contractions (GPMC) and the class of generalized kernel contractions (GKC), which strictly contain the classes of PMCs and of KCs, respectively. We identify some extra conditions that can be added to the definitions of GPMCs and of GKCs, which give rise to some interesting subclasses of (...)
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    La legge naturale nel pensiero di Matteo d'Acquasparta.Ercole Brocchieri - 1967 - Rovigo: Istituto padano di arti grafiche.
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    COVID-19 pandemic, the scarcity of medical resources, community-centred medicine and discrimination against persons with disabilities.Nicola Panocchia, Viola D'ambrosio, Serafino Corti, Eluisa Lo Presti, Marco Bertelli, Maria Luisa Scattoni & Filippo Ghelma - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):362-366.
    This research aims to examine access to medical treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic for people living with disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the practical and ethical problems of allocating limited medical resources such as intensive care unit beds and ventilators became critical. Although different countries have proposed different guidelines to manage this emergency, these proposed criteria do not sufficiently consider people living with disabilities. People living with disabilities are therefore at a higher risk of exclusion from medical treatments as physicians (...)
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    Knowledge-driven profile dynamics.Eduardo Fermé, Marco Garapa, Maurício D. L. Reis, Yuri Almeida, Teresa Paulino & Mariana Rodrigues - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 331 (C):104117.
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    A momentum effect in temporal arithmetic.Mario Bonato, Umberto D'Ovidio, Wim Fias & Marco Zorzi - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104488.
    The mental representation of brief temporal durations, when assessed in standard laboratory conditions, is highly accurate. Here we show that adding or subtracting temporal durations systematically results in strong and opposite biases, namely over-estimation for addition and under-estimation for subtraction. The difference with respect to a baseline temporal reproduction task changed across durations in an operation-specific way and survived correcting for the effect due to operation sign alone, indexing a reliable signature of arithmetic processing on time representation. A second experiment (...)
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    Phase behaviour of thermoplastic interpenetrating polymer networks by thermal and mechanical measurements.A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, S. La Rocca, O. P. Grigoryeva, L. Sergeeva, O. Slisenko, O. Starostenko & G. Tripodo - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (3-5):723-730.
  42.  34
    How Soundtracks Shape What We See: Analyzing the Influence of Music on Visual Scenes Through Self-Assessment, Eye Tracking, and Pupillometry.Alessandro Ansani, Marco Marini, Francesca D’Errico & Isabella Poggi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:556697.
    This article presents two studies that deepen the theme of how soundtracks shape our interpretation of audiovisuals. Embracing a multivariate perspective, Study 1 ( N = 118) demonstrated, through an online between-subjects experiment, that two different music scores (melancholic vs. anxious) deeply affected the interpretations of an unknown movie scene in terms of empathy felt toward the main character, impressions of his personality, plot anticipations, and perception of the environment of the scene. With the melancholic music, participants felt empathy toward (...)
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    L'aporia del bene apparente: le dimensioni cognitive delle virtù morali in Aristotele.Marco D'Avenia - 1998 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Local and cooperative molecular mobilities in thermoplastic polymers.A. Bartolotta, G. Carini, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, F. Farsaci, O. P. Grigoryeva, L. Sergeeva, O. Slisenko, O. Starostenko & G. Tripodo - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1591-1598.
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    The conflict between reason and will in the legislation of surrogate motherhood.D. De Marco - 1987 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 32 (1):23.
  46.  18
    An undeniable interplay: Both numerosity and visual features affect estimation of non-symbolic stimuli.I. Abalo-Rodríguez, D. De Marco & S. Cutini - 2022 - Cognition 222 (C):104944.
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    A State Space Approach to Dynamic Modeling of Mouse-Tracking Data.Antonio Calcagnì, Luigi Lombardi, Marco D'Alessandro & Francesca Freuli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Children's acceptance of underinformative sentences: The case of some as a determiner.Valentina Sala, Laura Macchi, Marco D'Addario & Maria Bagassi - 2009 - Thinking and Reasoning 15 (2):211-235.
    In recent literature there is unanimous agreement about children's pragmatic competence in drawing scalar implicatures about some , if the task is made easy enough. However, children accept infelicitous some sentences more often than adults do. In general their acceptance is assumed to be synonymous with a logical interpretation of some as a quantifier. But in our view an overlap with some as a determiner in under-informative sentences cannot be ruled out, given the ambiguity of the experimental instructions and the (...)
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  49.  30
    The Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Health Professionals: A Cross-Sectional Study.Emanuele Maria Giusti, Elisa Pedroli, Guido E. D'Aniello, Chiara Stramba Badiale, Giada Pietrabissa, Chiara Manna, Marco Stramba Badiale, Giuseppe Riva, Gianluca Castelnuovo & Enrico Molinari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Effects of a short length alcohol on the dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine system.S. Rifici, C. Crupi, G. D’Angelo, G. Di Marco, G. Sabatino, V. Conti Nibali, A. Trimarchi & U. Wanderlingh - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):2014-2020.
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